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Continues stats.

redis-cli -p $(awk '/^port/ {print $2}' /etc/redis.conf) --stat

Info about redis node.

redis-cli -p 6379 info

Which role does redis have

redis-cli -p 6401 info | grep role
redis-cli -p 6401 role

how many databases exist

redis-cli CONFIG GET databases

list keyspaces with content,list databases with content

redis-cli INFO keyspace

list keys

redis-cli keys '*'

list key type

type foo

get hash


get key value

redis-cli get key_name

increment a value. raw output.

redis-cli --raw incr mycounter

Set a key with a value

redis-cli set foo value

Set redis key foo too output from date.

date | redis-cli -x set foo

set a key to a temporary value.

redis-cli set key_name value EX 60

expire key after 10s

EXPIRE foo 10

how long does temporary value still exist.

redis-cli ttl foo

Read content of key foo

redis-cli getrange foo 0 5000

continuasly run command.

redis-cli -r -1 -i 1 INFO | grep total_commands_processed

delete a key.

redis-cli del key_name


Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB.

redis-cli ; select

create list.

redis-cli lpush mylist a b c d e=

read list

redis-cli --csv lrange mylist 0 -1

change database

select 1

how big is database


List clients


Listen for all requests received by the server in real time


scanning for big keys

redis-cli --bigkeys

getting list of keys.

redis-cli --scan 


Sentinel config files.


talk to redis sentinel and ask configuration api who is my master.

redis-cli -p 5011 SENTINEL get-master-addr-by-name mymaster

which masters exist.

redis-cli -p 5010 SENTINEL masters

asking sentinel for status of a master.

redis-cli -p 5010 SENTINEL master mymaster

asking sentinel for info about sentinel

redis-cli -p 5010 SENTINEL sentinels mymaster 

ask about replicas.

redis-cli -p 5010 SENTINEL SENTINEL replicas 

Show a list of sentinel instances for this master, and their state.

redis-cli -p 5001 SENTINEL sentinels mymaster

Sentinel logfile.


Look for listening ports.

grep ^port /etc/redis*.conf

read slowlog


redis-cli with password

redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a 'thisizmy!PASS'