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How to run apt-get with tsocks. Could be used for may applications

  1. install tsocks
  2. Create config file /etc/tsocks.conf
# local subnet
local =
# Where you socks server is running. Your ssh socks server.
server =
# Server type defaults to 4 so we need to specify it as 5 for this one
server_type = 5
# The port defaults to 1080 but I've stated it here for clarity
server_port = 1080
  1. In another terminal window create socks tunnel.
ssh -v -D 1080 ipmon10.ny1.jumpbox.com
  1. Enable terminal for socks. (you might have to change path)
export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libtsocks.so
  1. Now run your command tsocks:fied.
sudo apt-get install vncviewer