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*Has a user rights on a particular database.
*Has a user rights on a particular database.
  SELECT host,db,user,select_priv,insert_priv FROM db;
  SELECT host,db,user,select_priv,insert_priv FROM db;
*Import sql script to database.
mysql ongamenetwork < /tmp/

===Reset mysql root password===
===Reset mysql root password===

Revision as of 10:56, 30 September 2008


In the structure of MySQL, there are databases, tables, records, and fields. Databases hold together tables, tables hold together records, records hold together fields, which contain the actual information.


Useful commands

  • Create user and grant accsess.
mysql> GRANT [privileges] ON database.* TO '[user]'@'[host]' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';
mysql> grant all privileges on puppetdb.* to puppet@'localhost' identified by 'puppet';FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  • Change root password.
mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
  • Change password.
use mysql;SET PASSWORD FOR 'user'@'hostname' = PASSWORD('passwordhere');
update mysql.user set password = password() where user = 'username';
  • backup all databases.
mysqldump --all-databases -p > /temp/mysql
  • Create database.
mysql> create database puppetdb;
  • Delete mysql database.
mysql> drop database puppetdb;
  • Delete mysql database table.
drop table if exists recipes;
  • Create table.
This creates table with thwo colums, id with datatype int, and data of the type varchar.
mysql> create table testtable (id int, data varchar(100));
mysql> CREATE TABLE developers ( name VARCHAR(128), email VARCHAR(128), job VARCHAR(128));
  • Connect to mysql database.
mysql -u root -p password -h mysqlhost
  • Show databases.
mysql> show databases;
  • Choose database to work with.
mysql> use puppetdb;
  • Show tables.
mysql> show tables;
  • Show columns in table.
mysql> show columns from hosts;
  • Show which data is stored in a table in descending order limit to 100.
mysql> select * from hosts order by id desc limit 100;
  • Show all data from table.
mysql> select * from hosts;
  • Show values from one column.
mysql> select id from hosts;
  • Show selected colums.
mysql> select name,ip from hosts;
  • Show all ip in ascending order.
mysql> select * from hosts order by ip asc;
  • Show column page_title in table page where page_counter is equal to 17.
mysql> select page_title from page where page_counter='17';
mysql> select page_title from page where page_counter='17' and page_is_new='1'; # and page_is_new equal to 1.
  • Show column where page_counter is max in table page. Other values are min, avg, sum
mysql> select max(page_counter) from page;
  • How many rows are on the table.
mysql> select count(page_counter) from page;
mysql> select count(*) from page;
  • What does it all mean?
select * from wp_options where option_name='home';
  • What does it all mean?
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value='' WHERE option_name='home';
  • Commands.
mysql> exit;quit;                # exit mysql tool.
mysql> help;                     # Show help
mysql> source /file              # Run sql code. Offen used to setup database.
mysql> system command            # Run command in system.
mysql> status;                   # Shows status of database server.
mysql> describe table;           # Show information about table.
mysql> show create table table   # Show more information about table.
  • Put some data into a table.
mysql> INSERT INTO testtable (id,data) VALUES ('66','The beast whas here');
  • Change id value 17 to 18 in testtable
mysql> UPDATE testtable set id=18 where id=17 ;
  • Show master/slave status.
mysql> show master status \G
  • Show master/slave status.
mysql> show slave status \G
  • Show permission on database.
mysql> show grants for onzone@localhost;
mysql> select user,host from mysql.user;
  • Who has access from which machine.
use mysql;SELECT host,user FROM user;
select user,host from mysql.user;
  • Has a user rights.
SELECT host,user,select_priv,insert_priv FROM user;
show grants for onzone@'';
  • Has a user rights on a particular database.
SELECT host,db,user,select_priv,insert_priv FROM db;
  • Import sql script to database.
mysql ongamenetwork < /tmp/

Reset mysql root password

Stop the MySql server.
/usr/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
mysql -h localhost
use mysql
update user set password = password('.......') where user = 'root' and host='localhost';
Restart the server and run as normal.

Data types

  • Numerical, signed=could be negative,unsigned
type		Maxvalue
tinyint		255
smallint	65535
mediumint	16777215
int		4294967295
bigint		18446744073709551615
  • Strings
type			Maxvalue
varchar			255
char			255
tinyblob,tinytext	256
blob,text		65536
mediumblob,mediumtext	16777216
longblob,longtext	4294967296
  • Special
  • Access types.
ALL 		- Gives the all privilege control for the database
CREATE		- Allows users to create tables
SELECT		- Allows users to query tables
INSERT		- Allows users to insert data into a table
SHOW DATABASES	- Allows users to see a list of databases
USAGE		- User has no privileges
GRANT OPTION	- Allows users to grant privileges

auto submit password



replication master slave

Setting the Replication Master Configuration


To get the master status information, follow these steps:
Start the command line client and flush all tables and block write statements by executing the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement:
Leave the client from which you issued the FLUSH TABLES statement running so that the read lock remains in effect. If you exit the client, the lock is released.
| File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| mysql-bin.000001 |       98 |              |                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The File column shows the name of the log and Position shows the offset within the file. In this example, the binary log file is mysql-bin.000001 and the offset is 98. Record these values. You need them later when you are setting up the slave. They represent the replication coordinates at which the slave should begin processing new updates from the master.
If the master has been running previously without binary logging enabled, the log name and position values displayed by SHOW MASTER STATUS or mysqldump --master-data will be empty. In that case, the values that you need to use later when specifying the slave's log file and position are the empty string () and 4.
mysqldump --all-databases --lock-all-tables >/tmp/dbdump.db
mysql> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication'@'192.168.7.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'slavepass';

Setting the Replication Slave Configuration



Import the dump file:

shell> mysql < /tmp/dbdump.db
mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='', MASTER_USER='replication', MASTER_PASSWORD='slavepass', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000001',MASTER_LOG_POS=98;

Start the slave threads:


Once a slave is replicating, you can find in its data directory one file named and another named